Products 1-4 of 4
Channel Marker SG1-24"x24" - Port Daymark
Price: $90.00
Availability: Allow 8-10 days production
Item #: SG-1 24 -

    SG-1 24"x24" Green Channel Marker for ODD NUMBERS*Square waterway marker on Alodine treated aluminumFluorescent background and high intensity numbers and borders,Made to FWC and Coast Guard Specs. Also called Port Daymark in Aid to navigation SPECIAL ORDER--call or email any questions

    CHANNEL MARKER SG1 -36"x36" - Port Daymark
    Price: $224.00
    Availability: Allow 8-10 days production
    Item #: SG-1 36 -

      SG-1 36"x36" Channel Marker for ODD NUMBERS* Square waterway marker- also called Port Daymark.080 aluminum or .125 Aluminum (Coast Guard Spec)Green Fluorescent background and high intensity Green Reflective numbers and borders  Made to FWC and Coast Guard Specs

      Channel Marker TR-1- 36" - Starboard Daymark
      Price: $110.00
      Availability: Allow 8-10 days production
      Item #: TR-1 36 -

        TR-1 36" Isosceles Triangle 36" X 36" X 36" alodized aluminum Made to FWC and Coast Guard Spec materials and size for 1/2 mile visibilityChannel Marker For Even NumbersTriangle Waterway Marker is also known as Starboard Daymark or daybeacon In Aids To Navigation.Reflective High Intensity Numbers and Day Glow Fluorescent Red Background

        Red Channel Marker, starboard daymark or day beacon
        Price: $248.00
        Availability: Allow 8-10 days production
        Item #: TR-1 48 -

          Tr1 48 Isosceles Triangle 48 Height X 48 Base Daymark Or Red Waterway Channel Marker. 1 mile visibility Made To FWC And Coast Guard Specs . Also Known As Starboard Daymark or daybeacon . Used for marking channels - also for entering Marinas and private waterwaysOn .125 aluminum Red Fluorescent Background And Red High Intensity Reflective Numbers